Saturday, April 26, 2014

April and Autism

April is " Autism Awareness Month". But for many of us experience Autism Awareness  daily. We become aware of just how much Autism can take over our days. For me it can begin with a melt down first thing just because we got off schedule. That seems to be the side of autism most people see and want to refer to is the melt downs, strange stems, and behaviors. The biggest thing is to remember that Autism is not the whole child it is just a portion. I always get upset when I hear people refer to one of my students as Autistic. I would rather you call them by name, not one of Mrs. Ricks autistic students.
My students are children with Autism. That is not how you refer to children with ADHD or other disabilities.  You don't say that ADHD kid.
So each day should be Autism awareness not just one month. We who love, teach, and  parent these amazing children know that if we sometimes just reach the child the autism takes a backseat for a while. I love when I watch people's reaction to when my student's are in assemblies and they are participating they see them as children. But let one of them spin to the music, ( as if normal kids don't do it) they want to single them out as having an autism moment. I myself love when my student's spin or flap to beautiful music. They have such wonderful senses that they feel and hear so much more. Call it what you want a stem or whatever they truly sense the music and move to the beat. I also enjoy how they see the world and express it with exploration. I have noticed in a lot of my young students studying simple items and wonder what is it that they can focus on for such a long time that I am not seeing. One of my student's really enjoys nature, he will look at the limbs and branches of tree's for a very long time. I would sit with him and try my hardest to figure out what it was he must be experiencing but me being a typical person was unable to see just what he was exploring in his mind.
I recently met an man who was not diagnosed with Autism until very late in life who explained to me that he could look at an engine of a car, take it apart piece by piece in his mind and then put it back together without ever touching the engine. He can play 7 different instruments and can not read music, he hears the notes and begins to play. What amazing minds!!!
So I guess my point today is to those who do not work with these truly amazing children with autism. Is learn about Autism before you make judgments and please learn to see thru their eyes, and hear thru their ears. They might not have a voice yet, but they understand everything that is being said to them.  Spread Autism Awareness every day, not just when the Calendar says so.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break and Annual IEP Information

Spring Break is a good time to get ready for IEP time. I know for me it is a time to start figuring out which student's I need to have for Extended School Year (ESY). What makes it difficult is that all my parents want me to have their child for the 5 weeks in the summer. But with 18 students and counting I just can't do that many students in a 3 hour setting, and I don't have a classroom big enough to accommodate that many children.
     So what I keep in mind is: Which of my student's have I just received into my program that is way behind on skills? :Which of my students need to stay do to regression? So high or low functioning is not what I use to consister for ESY. I have recently received 3 new students that have never been in a school setting with limited resources so I already know I will have these 3 kiddos. That only leaves 5 more slots, so I look over my students that have not quite yet met some of the IEP goals, those that are still struggling with a skill, and those I know who have to remain on a strict schedule to make it through a day. 
     But as for a parent Spring Break should be a time where you go over the IEP and Progress reports. Start writing down questions and goals that you feel should be address with your child's teacher and therapist. I love when my parents come in with a notebook and has outside information that they have read and wants me to consister. Because they might have gotten new information from outside therapy session that we need to incorporate into the child's IEP. Private Therapist seem to get more training than Public School Teachers, and Therapist ( more available funds).  So bring in that information. You don't always have to have the IEP all done in one day either. I love it when mine are but it is not set in stone. I have no problem going back to my computer and write in goals that a parent or outside therapist as suggested. The information is to get a good IEP that all related service providers are all working to benefit the child.
     If you think you might have problems with the child's teacher about goals or opinions you have for your child's IEP, you can call and have the Special Education director, or Autism Coordinator (which ever title you school district has) to set in on your meeting. But I would tell you to call several days in advance. I have had parent's call me and ask me to set it up for my Special Education Director to attend  and I usually have to do it at least a week or two prior to the meeting. So just remember when you get your notification letter look and see what people have been invited to attend.. If a person that you need to speak with isn't list; call and schedule those people to attend the IEP meeting. You can call the teacher or which ever means of communication that you have with the teacher, but I would tell you not to do it the day of the meeting because it probably won't happen due to scheduling. So get prepared as soon as the Notification of IEP meeting arrives.
   So have a "Great Spring Break". Hope this information is helpful. If I can help you in anyway just leave a Post.

Home to School Connections

I was recently told by a parent that the hardest thing about leaving their child at school was not knowing if their child would be treated fairly. I think that is any parents fear not just a fear of a parent with a nonverbal child with autism. I am one of those teacher's of children with autism that will be the parents first experiences into a school. I have to build that bond with the parent very quickly. I usually try to do that on our first meeting.
One of the biggest mistakes that I have seen teachers do is treat the parent like they no nothing about autism and that their child is not any different than any other child with autism. WRONG!! This child is the only child with autism that belongs to them.
Building home to school Connection:
Step 1: At the IEP meeting help the parent understand the process of the IEP; most of my parents have never been to an IEP and do not understand all the language that we use. So remember to try to stop and ask them if they understood what was just read to them. Also this might be the first time they are hearing that their child exhibits characteristics of Autism. Be mindful of their feelings.
Step 2: Be prepared with handout on Autism. Bring all class information to the meeting; classroom handbook, child information forms, transportation and volunteer forms. I try to give them all my information about my classroom and answer any questions that they might have. These forms are what they will fill out and bring back on the first day of class or on the day they come for class visit or tour of school.
Step 3: Classroom tour. After the meeting or have the parent schedule a time to come by and visit classroom. I like to have them come to visit when they have more time to visit and they can bring the child. This is a good time to make your picture of the student to use to label his/her desk and cubby.
At this time it helps you get a feel for the parent child relationship and you can start building your bond with the child and parent. I love to show my room and my class off to parents. Usually if the parent has scheduled a classroom visit they will bring back any paper work they have filled out and it gives me a chance to ask questions about some of the things on the child information sheet. I do give my parents my email and school phone number. I used to give my cell phone number to parents but sometimes that can become a problem if you have a parent that becomes upset with you. ( I have been down the road at time or two) So try to keep it professional and not personal with your families. Some times I know that is hard to do with some of our wonderful families.
Step 4: Open Door policy: I have an "Open Door" policy. I ask the parents to come by any time to see how things are going. But I don't want them to volunteer for the first month that I have their child. I want the student to get comfortable with class schedule, procedures, and staff. I know now you are asking how is that " Open Door"? My door is always open for the parent to drop by and visit but they have to be prepared to not stay longer than 20 minutes and even if the child becomes upset with parent is visiting we still are in control of the student's behavior not the parent at this time.
Step 5: Daily sheets: I make a daily check off sheet that I communicate with parents. My parents know exactly what their child has done through out the day. I tell them what they ate, how many task, what things we attended outside of classroom( assembly, fire drills, library, etc..) toilet times, and if I need to speak to them. Parents need to know these things; due to the fact we have students that toileting, eating, and behavior issues.
Step 6: Weekly home task. I send home parent involvement task. I usually send home a small booklet for my parents to do with child on the weekend. It is related to what I have taught the week of the task going home.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Days and task baskets

Okay, sorry I haven't been writing lately missed a couple of weeks due to stomach bug, and a funeral that was back in Kentucky. Was wonderful seeing so many family members that I had not seen in a while, but it was really cold.
 Now  that winter has arrived in Oklahoma I have had a couple of  "Snow Days", which I like to call my "Winter Catch-up Days." I can catch up on things that I need to do for my class such as make new work task, paper work, and start preparing for my spring IEP madness.
So now you are wondering; "What the heck is a Task basket?" Task basket were developed by the program TEACCH ( for autism students who are as we all know  visual learner; one of the basic principals is visual structure. So to help students learn we apply this principal to a visual task box or basket. Most students start out learning with shoe box task. These are self contained activities and students can see how much work there is to do and can tell what to do with the material just by looking at the contents. These activities are designed to work as a teacher directed activity to introduce new skill then have the student do it independently as the student becomes more comfortable with the skill.
Task baskets can be purchased from companies pre-made, which my school and myself has done:
Shoebox task
HOT ideas
There are many others but these are the two that I have ordered from and know that are great.

So here are some nice things about making work task, use the internet to find the things you need. I love that Pinterest has great resources for autism task baskets. Just type in Teacch or Task basket ; you get a lot of boards to look at and pin. I have a board for Autism that I have pinned a lot of  task ideas on .
How do I teach this kid
Task Galore is a great book and they also have stuff on Pinterest.  Here are some ideas from their book.

This is a task for color matching made from pegs and an egg carton.
Task you can make with stuff you have at home. I actually have a 3 drawer plastic container full of stuff I keep just to make new task. You can make task for any age and cognitive ability with items you have at home.
If you want to find things that you can just print off and laminate here are some great web site that I have used for years.
Childcare Land - Early learning Activities She has free printable, videos to show how to use her games, also as a subscription that you can get lots of printable and it is very reasonably priced.
Pre-K pages printables- She has some free and some you can purchase.
File Folder Farm- all grade level file folder games. Some you do have to purchase
Teachers pay teachers- you will have to build an account which is free and some items are free or very cheap. It is a great site and so glad it is available to everyone.
Building Blox- lots of free printables and great ideas.
 Just remember make it fun and on the days your child is having difficulties set up a work area with lots of task baskets. They will have fun and you will too.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Structure Classroom Ideas

First week after Christmas break has been everything I expected busy and fast. The students were happy to be back to school and ready to get back on routine. Just as I and my staff.
We worked really hard getting the students back to their normal routines. Also had an old student return from another school district. I was so pleased to have him back. That's one thing about Autism teachers once we get a student they are forever in our hearts.
So I was ask several questions from parents and colleagues about room structure and TEACCH work task basket systems.  So I will first share about room arrangement. I have some pictures that will  help with that.
Cubbies with students picture and name
Always important that students know where their backpack and jacket needs to go.

Individual student work station. I have had a lot of teachers tell me they don't have space for each student to have a table; this can also be done with student desk if you only have desk. Dividers can be made with PVC pipes, however, I was lucky and they were purchased at Lakeshore. Having
 individual work stations helps the student to stay focused on the task he/she needs to finish before they can move on. Notice they have a small schedule on their desk. Most of my student do a "First and Then" schedule on their desk. "Then" is usually a " Check Schedule Card" which is their prompt to go check schedule after they finish their work.  
I have  individual student schedules on a wall sorry I don't have picture of them. (on my school computer).                                                                                  

 Group time Area: Students have a clearly defined area for each thing that we do. I use my smart board during every group time. This is where they learn to sit, wait, and take turns. I even have 3 year olds that use the smart board. So once you introduce the smart board they really do not try to break it. Most of mine call it " The Big TV". Notice I have regular pre-k chairs and assistive chairs( the stools are mine and my staff). I do start some of my students in a assistive chair and quickly teach them how to sit and wait. Then they go to a regular chair.  With that said most of my student will go and try to use the assistive chair if I would let them. There is something they like about the seatbelt and the arm rests.
This is our Hatch Touch screen computer (Love it) one of my fellow special education teachers wrote a grant and our whole school got one for each room.

Calm down house: I made this a couple of years ago with PVC Pipes( if you haven't notice I love PVC ) and some cheap material. This is the place my student use to calm down due to anxiety or during a melt down. You have to teach autism students how to regulate, this is one way to do it, Below is a picture of the inside of the Calm down house ( remember this is not used for punishment) it has a beanbag chair, blanket, sensory bottles, books, and magazines(sometimes used to tear up) when they need to throw or hit. I teach my students we never hit, but you can tear up paper or tissue. 



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year in th Autism Room.

I always love coming back to school after the Christmas Break. It is a chance to start again. I love my job and I really love my students. I have lots of fun in my classroom because I do the things that Autism professional have suggest we use. I use the TEACCH method, and Discrete trial (one on one learning) some call it ABA. I have been trained in ABA but since I have 2 half day programs it is not as strict as most ABA therapist do. If you are a teacher we would basically call it one-on-one teaching except I take a lot of data. I teach visually with my smart board(could not live with out it) it truly keeps my students engaged. So I really do not have a lot of behavior during group times.  My students love to sing and YouTube is great when choosing songs for group time. With that said lets get started with Theme of the week.
January is always fun we start this week off with Winter and what do we wear in winter, also we will review a lot of concepts that we might have forgotten over winter break.
Book we will use all week:

use this for cut out pieces for felt board
I love making it interactive so I can get some good communication from my students. I will give each child a piece of clothing to help dress the paper doll on the felt board. You could also make it into a file folder activity. I have paper dolls that we will make at art time to help reinforce the group time activity.  I and my staff will also have them use it again in a discrete trial to see if they can match the clothing items and/or say the name of the item. I work a lot on getting them to communicate.
Large group song:
YouTube: Colors of Winter, 5 little Snowmen, and Let it snow.
Art Table:
 Monday: Paper doll
Paper plate, cotton ball, and colored dot stickers


Make with different colors: let those who can cut out cut them; decorate with stickers, markers, and whatever you have left over from Christmas
Art and fine motor activity using cotton balls, glue, and you can also use quilt batting.
Friday: We have a busy day with Assembly with whole school, and it is our library day.
But I will review with reading the book again which I do every day. And I try to go back over the data and see which of my students are still not gasping the concept of the clothing.
Will post tomorrow all the task basket activities. Have fun.