Friday, January 10, 2014

Structure Classroom Ideas

First week after Christmas break has been everything I expected busy and fast. The students were happy to be back to school and ready to get back on routine. Just as I and my staff.
We worked really hard getting the students back to their normal routines. Also had an old student return from another school district. I was so pleased to have him back. That's one thing about Autism teachers once we get a student they are forever in our hearts.
So I was ask several questions from parents and colleagues about room structure and TEACCH work task basket systems.  So I will first share about room arrangement. I have some pictures that will  help with that.
Cubbies with students picture and name
Always important that students know where their backpack and jacket needs to go.

Individual student work station. I have had a lot of teachers tell me they don't have space for each student to have a table; this can also be done with student desk if you only have desk. Dividers can be made with PVC pipes, however, I was lucky and they were purchased at Lakeshore. Having
 individual work stations helps the student to stay focused on the task he/she needs to finish before they can move on. Notice they have a small schedule on their desk. Most of my student do a "First and Then" schedule on their desk. "Then" is usually a " Check Schedule Card" which is their prompt to go check schedule after they finish their work.  
I have  individual student schedules on a wall sorry I don't have picture of them. (on my school computer).                                                                                  

 Group time Area: Students have a clearly defined area for each thing that we do. I use my smart board during every group time. This is where they learn to sit, wait, and take turns. I even have 3 year olds that use the smart board. So once you introduce the smart board they really do not try to break it. Most of mine call it " The Big TV". Notice I have regular pre-k chairs and assistive chairs( the stools are mine and my staff). I do start some of my students in a assistive chair and quickly teach them how to sit and wait. Then they go to a regular chair.  With that said most of my student will go and try to use the assistive chair if I would let them. There is something they like about the seatbelt and the arm rests.
This is our Hatch Touch screen computer (Love it) one of my fellow special education teachers wrote a grant and our whole school got one for each room.

Calm down house: I made this a couple of years ago with PVC Pipes( if you haven't notice I love PVC ) and some cheap material. This is the place my student use to calm down due to anxiety or during a melt down. You have to teach autism students how to regulate, this is one way to do it, Below is a picture of the inside of the Calm down house ( remember this is not used for punishment) it has a beanbag chair, blanket, sensory bottles, books, and magazines(sometimes used to tear up) when they need to throw or hit. I teach my students we never hit, but you can tear up paper or tissue. 



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